the mouth of the Amazon River, there is an island with almost 50.000 km2
of area, making it the biggest estuary archipelago in the world.
Marajó Island has almost a thousand years of history, with a rich culture
and a hot and humid
climate. Part of the island is flooded from February to April, with the
Amazon River invading the low lands, forming small islands and streams in
an unique landscape. Marajó Island is an important ecological sanctuary
and the economy is based in tourism, sale of artcraft representing the
local culture- the ceramic "Marajoara" with the oldest registers
from 980 b.C. Buffalo breading is also very important economically on the island. Soure
is the biggest town in Marajó, with attractive beaches, peaceful
atmosphere and beautiful surroundings.
to observe the local fauna and flora, walks, boat tours, canoying,
horseriding, visits to the beaches and local farms with buffalo breading,
shopping for local artcraft and enjoying the local cuisine, among others.